Zo, ik ook aan het internet daten! Vind het wel leuk tot nu toe. Je ma μετάφραση - Zo, ik ook aan het internet daten! Vind het wel leuk tot nu toe. Je ma Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Zo, ik ook aan het internet daten!

Zo, ik ook aan het internet daten! Vind het wel leuk tot nu toe. Je mag jezelf echt een beetje in de schijnwerper zetten, maar ondertussen ben je naar iemand opzoek die zichzelf ook goed belicht heeft! En jij bent de eerste die mij opvalt :D dat is wel een complimentje toch?

Maar je wilt vast wat meer weten over mij.. dus vertel ik je kort wat :)
Vele zien mij als een beetje anders, terwijl ik mezelf gewoon zie als lief, gezellig, redelijk spontaan en ik ben altijd in voor een goed gesprek of een lekker dagje ertussenuit. Dus wat mij nou anders maakt?? Misschien dat ik dingen durf en doe die niet iedereen zou doen?

Hou jij een beetje van anders of ga je graag met de stroming mee vagos? 
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
So, I also recommend the internet dating! Think it looks nice so far. You can really put yourself in the spotlight a bit, but you're also well exposed themselves to someone lookup! And you are the first that strikes me:D that is a compliment right?But you want to know more about me. so I tell you briefly what:)Many see me as a little bit different, while I just see myself as sweet, cosy, fairly spontaneous and I'm always up for a good conversation or a day out. So what else makes me?? Maybe I dare and do things that not everyone would do?Do you like a bit of else or get you going like with the current vagos?
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
So, I also date to the internet! Do like it so far. You can really put yourself in a bit of the spotlight, but now you're looking at someone who has also well exposed themselves! And you are the first that strikes me: D that's a compliment, right? But you want to know more about me .. so I'll tell you briefly what :) Many see me as a little different, and I just see myself as sweet, nice, pretty spontaneous and I'm always up for a good conversation or a nice day popped. So what else makes me now ?? Maybe I dare and do things that are not anyone would do? Do you like a little bit of different or love going along with the flow vagos? 

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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
so, i also to the internet dating. like it so far. you're really a bit in the spotlight, but meanwhile you are looking for someone who has also represented himself! and you're the first person that strikes me: d that's a compliment.but you want to know more about me. so i tell you what:)many see me as a little different, while i just see myself as sweet, pleasant, reasonable spontaneously and i'm always in a good conversation or a good day out. so what else makes me? may i dare and do things that not everyone would do?you keep a little differently or do you like the current vagos?
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