Tien tips voor veilig kopen:Check de adverteerder via internet. Zoek d μετάφραση - Tien tips voor veilig kopen:Check de adverteerder via internet. Zoek d Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Tien tips voor veilig kopen:Check d

Tien tips voor veilig kopen:
Check de adverteerder via internet. Zoek de adverteerder op via internetzoekmachines en www.mijnpolitie.nl/miocheck a.h.v. naam, telefoonnummer, e-mailadres, bankrekeningnummer en/of IP Adres. Indien de verkoper onbetrouwbaar is , is de kans groot dat slachtoffers aangifte hebben gedaan of hun verhaal op fora hebben geplaatst.
Beweert de verkoper een bedrijf te zijn? Controleer dit via de Kamer van Koophandel.
Ga na of je handelspartner een geverifieerd verkoper is: Sommige verkopers zijn 'geverifieerd'. Dat betekent dat hun volledige naam- en adresgegevens bij speurders bekend zijn. Als een geverifieerde verkoper het artikel niet verstuurt, kun je een beroep doen op onze kopersverzekering. Meer informatie over de kopersverzekering vind je hier.
Wees alert bij extreem lage prijzen en Engelse advertenties: als gewilde producten tegen extreem lage prijzen worden aangeboden, kun je beter voorzichtig zijn. Zeker als het om Engelse advertenties met moeilijk te achterhalen e-mailadressen gaat, zoals: yahoo.com, gmail.com, lycos.com, of hotmail.com.
Haal je producten persoonlijk op: Dan kun je met eigen ogen zien of het product aan je verwachtingen voldoet. Spreek nooit af op een afgelegen plek en neem geen grote sommen geld mee.
Vraag om exacte eigenschappen van het artikel en bewaar alle informatie. Bewaar ook het eventuele e-mailcontact, de betalingsbewijzen en een kopie van de advertentie (met foto’s). Als er dan iets misgaat, staat je juridisch sterker.
Maak duidelijke afspraken: Spreek af wie de transportkosten en eventuele transportverzekering betaalt. Meer informatie over het verzenden en ontvangen van spullen vindt je op de PostNL pagina
Betaal in twee termijnen: Als je via bank of giro betaalt, weet je nooit zeker of de verkoper het artikel ook verstuurt. Je kunt daarom afspreken dat je een gedeelte van het bedrag voor- en een gedeelte na de levering betaalt. Dan delen de koper en de verkoper de risico’s. Doe beter geen betalingen via Western Union. Bij deze bank kan anoniem geld opgenomen kan worden en verkopers die de betaling via Western Union willen laten lopen, zijn vaak dan ook minder betrouwbaar.
Dien een klacht in: Zie je een advertentie die in strijd is met de regels van Speurders, laat het ons dan weten. Dat kan via de link ‘klacht indienen’, die links onder de advertentie staat. Vervolgens zullen wij de advertentie controleren en zo nodig actie ondernemen.
Versturen onder rembours: Vraag of de verkoper het artikel onder ‘rembours’ verstuurt. Let op: Je kunt dan vooraf niet bekijken, of het artikel aan je verwachtingen voldoet.

Ook als je niet eerder zaken deed met een koper, kun je beter voorzichtig handelen. Want je weet nooit 100% zeker of een koper betaalt als hij zijn artikel eenmaal heeft ontvangen.
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Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Ten tips for safe buy:Check out the advertiser via the internet. Search the advertiser on via internet search engines and www.mijnpolitie.nl/miocheck a.h.v. name, phone number, email address, bank account number and/or IP address. If the seller is unreliable, it's likely that victims Declaration have done or their story on forums have posted.The seller claims to be a company? Check this via the Chamber of Commerce. Make sure that your trading partner is a verified seller: some sellers are ' verified '. That means that their full name and address details to investigators are known. As a verified seller sends the item, you can call on our kopersverzekering. More info on the kopersverzekering can be found here.Be alert at extremely low prices and English ads: as sought-after products at extremely low prices are offered, you better be careful. Especially English ads with hard to figure out e-mail addresses, such as: yahoo.com, gmail.com, lycos.com, or hotmail.com.Get your products personally on: then you can see with their own eyes or the product to your expectations. Never talk to a remote place and do not take large sums of money with it.Ask for exact properties of the article and save all information. Also save any e-mail contact, the receipts and a copy of the ad (with photos). If something goes wrong, your legally stronger.Make clear agreements: reach the transport costs and any transport insurance is charged. More information about sending and receiving of stuff you'll find on the PostNL pagePay in two terms: If you pay by bank or giro, you never know for sure if the seller sends the item also. You can therefore agree that a portion of the amount for you-and a portion of the delivery is charged. Then share the buyer and the seller the risks. Do better no payments via Western Union. With that bank can anonymous money can be included and sellers who want to run the payment via Western Union, are often less reliable.File a complaint: you see an ad that violates the rules of Investigators, please let us know. You can do this via the link ' complaint ', which links below the ad. We will then check the ad and take any necessary action.Sending cash on delivery: whether the seller sends the item under ' cash on delivery '. Please note that you can not view, or in the article to your expectations.Even if you're not previously did business with a buyer, you better careful action. Because you never know 100% sure if a buyer pays as he has received his article once.
Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Ten tips for safe buying:
Check the advertiser via the internet. Find the advertiser via internet search engines and www.mijnpolitie.nl/miocheck ahv name, phone number, email address, bank account number and / or IP address. If the seller is unreliable, it is likely that victims have come forward and have their story posted on forums.
Seller Claims to be a business? Check this via the Chamber of Commerce.
Check if you are trading a verified seller: Some sellers are 'verified'. That means that their full name and address are known to investigators. If a verified seller does not send the article, you can rely on our buyer insurance. . More information about the buyer insurance you find here
Be alert at extremely low prices and English ads: if sought after products are offered at extremely low prices, you better be careful. Especially when it comes to English ads with email addresses difficult to figure out, such as:. Yahoo.com, gmail.com, lycos.com or hotmail.com
Get your products personally: Then you can see with your own eyes or product meets your expectations. Never agree to a secluded spot and take large sums of money with them.
Ask for exact properties of the article and retain all information. Also keep it any e-mail contact, payment vouchers and a copy of the advertisement (with photos). If something goes wrong, you state a stronger legal position.
Make clear arrangements: Agree on who will pay the transport costs and any transport insurance. More information on sending and receiving stuff you find on the page PostNL
payment in two installments: If you pay by bank transfer, you never know for sure whether the seller also sent the article. You therefore agree that you will pay a portion of the amount pre- and part after delivery. Then the buyer and the seller share the risks. Better do not make payments through Western Union. At this bank can be recorded anonymously money and sellers that the payment via Western Union plan to run often than are less reliable.
Complain: Do you see an ad that violates the rules of Speurders, please let us know. That can 'complain' via the link which links under each ad. Then we will check the ad and take action as appropriate.
Send COD: Ask if the seller sends the item under 'cash on delivery'. Note: You can not see in advance whether the product meets your expectations. Even if you did not previously did business with a buyer, you better act cautiously. Because you never know 100% sure if paid by a buyer when he received his article once.

Μεταφράζονται, παρακαλώ περιμένετε..
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
buy: 10 tips for safecheck the advertiser through internet. find the advertiser through internet search engines and www.mijnpolitie.nl / miocheck a.h.v. name, telephone number, e-mail address, bank account number and / or ip address. if the seller is unreliable, it is likely that victims reported or forums have placed their story.the seller claims to be a business? check this by the chamber of commerce.go after your partner or a seller is verified, some sellers & apos; verified & apos;. that means that their full name and address are known to investigators. if a seller sends the article not verified, you can rely on our kopersverzekering. more information about the kopersverzekering find you here.be alert at extremely low prices and english ads: if desired products at extremely low prices offered, you better be careful. especially in english advertisements with hard to find e-mail addresses, such as: yahoo.com, gmail.com, lycos.com or adrian isaac.get your products personally: you can see with own eyes or the product to your expectations. never speak at a remote place and take a large sums of money.ask for exact properties of the article and save all information. save any e - mailcontact, payment and a copy of the ad (with photos). if something goes wrong, you legally stronger.make clear agreements: speak who pays the costs and possible transport. more information on the sending and receiving of stuff you find on the postnl pagepay in two periods: if you pay through bank or giro, you'll never know for sure whether the seller sends the article too. therefore, you can say you part of the sum and some pay after delivery. then the buyer and the seller risks. make no payments via western union. in this bank, money can be anonymous and sellers payment via western union to walk, are often less reliable.sue: you see an advertisement which is contrary to the rules of investigators, let us know. can through the link "complaint", which left in the advertisement. we will then check the ad and, if necessary, take action.send c-o-d: whether the seller sends the article under "returns". note: you can not see beforehand, or the article to your expectations.even if you never did business with a buyer, you better be cautious. because you never know 100% sure a buyer pays if he has received his article.
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