1 NIET-TECHNISCHE SAMENVATTINGIn opdracht van BP Europa SE – BP Belgiu μετάφραση - 1 NIET-TECHNISCHE SAMENVATTINGIn opdracht van BP Europa SE – BP Belgiu Αγγλικά πώς να το πω


In opdracht van BP Europa SE – BP Belgium (verder ‘BP’) heeft AECOM Belgium BVBA (verder
‘AECOM’) een bodemsaneringsproject (verder ‘BSP’) opgesteld voor de BP site te Benzineweg
11, 2020 Antwerpen (verder ‘Site’). De Site omvat voornamelijk opslagtanks voor smeerolie.
De onderzoekslocatie betreft de percelen 138 P2, 138 X2, 138 X, 138 Z, 138 W2 en 138V2.
Op de Site werden verscheidene verontreinigingen aangetroffen in het BBO (URS, 2008). Voor 4
van die verontreinigingen bleek een bodemsanering noodzakelijk. Het betreft 4 drijflagen van
minerale olie die als historisch werden gekarakteriseerd. Deze komen voor op 3 verschillende
percelen en op openbaar domein.
De saneringsdoelstelling voor historische bodemverontreinigingen bestaat volgens het
bodemdecreet uit het vermijden dat de bodemkwaliteit een risico oplevert of kan opleveren tot
nadelige beïnvloeding van mens of milieu door gebruik te maken van de best beschikbare
technieken die geen overmatig hoge kosten met zich meebrengen (BATNEEC principe). In dit
rapport wordt de saneringsdoelstelling bepaald, vervolgens worden verschillende
saneringsvarianten uitgewerkt en worden deze tegenover elkaar afgewogen met behulp van een
multicriteria analyse. De weerhouden saneringsvariant wordt in detail uitgewerkt en bepaalt de
uiteindelijke saneringsaanpak.
Perceel 138 W2
Op het perceel 138 W2 werd puur product aangetroffen. De verontreiniging is ontstaan op dit
perceel. Beleidsmatig stelt OVAM dat dit een verspreidingsrisico met zich meebrengt. Het puur
product bevindt zich ook langsheen de kade op openbaar domein. De saneringsdoelstelling zal er
uit bestaan dit verspreidingsrisico weg te nemen. Dit zal worden verwezenlijkt door het puur
product te verwijderen. De sanering zal gefaseerd worden uitgevoerd. Gezien de moeilijkheid om
actief te saneren tijdens de bedrijfsactiviteiten op de Site, zal de eerste fase bestaan uit
risicobeheer. De risico’s zullen worden opgevolgd aan de hand van een tweejaarlijkse monitoring.
Wanneer de bedrijfsactiviteiten stopgezet worden, zal een ontgraving worden uitgevoerd om de
drijflaag weg te nemen. Na uitvoering van de saneringswerken wordt verwacht dat de
vooropgestelde saneringsdoelstellingen zijn bereikt.
Perceel 138 P2
Op het perceel 138 P2 werd puur product aangetroffen. Beleidsmatig stelt OVAM dat dit een
verspreidingsrisico met zich meebrengt. De saneringsdoelstelling zal er uit bestaan dit
verspreidingsrisico weg te nemen. Dit zal worden verwezenlijkt door het puur product te
verwijderen. De sanering zal gefaseerd worden uitgevoerd. Gezien de moeilijkheid om actief te
saneren tijdens de bedrijfsactiviteiten op de Site, zal de eerste fase bestaan uit risicobeheer. De
risico’s zullen worden opgevolgd aan de hand van een tweejaarlijkse monitoring. Wanneer de
bedrijfsactiviteiten stopgezet worden, zal een ontgraving worden uitgevoerd om de drijflaag weg
te nemen. Na uitvoering van de saneringswerken wordt verwacht dat de vooropgestelde
saneringsdoelstellingen zijn bereikt.
Perceel 138 X
Rapport: Eerste gefaseerd BSP, BP Antwerpen, Benzineweg 11, 2020
Project Nr. / Datum: 46326785.685 / 13/07/2015
Op het perceel 138 X werd puur product aangetroffen. Beleidsmatig stelt OVAM dat dit een
verspreidingsrisico met zich meebrengt. De saneringsdoelstelling zal er dus uit bestaan dit
verspreidingsrisico weg te nemen. Dit zal worden verwezenlijkt door het puur product te
verwijderen. De sanering zal gefaseerd worden uitgevoerd. Gezien de moeilijkheid om actief te
saneren tijdens de bedrijfsactiviteiten op de Site, zal de eerste fase bestaan uit risicobeheer. De
risico’s zullen worden opgevolgd aan de hand van een tweejaarlijkse monitoring. Wanneer de
bedrijfsactiviteiten stopgezet worden, zal een ontgraving worden uitgevoerd om de drijflaag weg
te nemen. Na uitvoering van de saneringswerken wordt verwacht dat de vooropgestelde
saneringsdoelstellingen zijn bereikt.
Openbaar domein
Op de Petroleumkaai werd puur product aangetroffen. Beleidsmatig stelt OVAM dat dit een
verspreidingsrisico met zich meebrengt. Het puur product heeft zich vanuit perceel 138 W2 op dit
perceel verspreid. De saneringsdoelstelling zal er uit bestaan dit verspreidingsrisico weg te
nemen. Dit zal worden verwezenlijkt door het puur product te verwijderen. De sanering zal
gefaseerd worden uitgevoerd. Gezien de moeilijkheid om actief te saneren tijdens de
bedrijfsactiviteiten op de Site, zal de eerste fase bestaan uit risicobeheer. De risico’s zullen
worden opgevolgd aan de hand van een tweejaarlijkse monitoring. Wanneer de bedrijfsactiviteiten
stopgezet worden, zal een ontgraving worden uitgevoerd om de drijflaag weg te nemen. Na
uitvoering van de saneringswerken wordt verwacht dat de vooropgestelde saneringsdoelstellingen
zijn bereikt.
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
1 non-TECHNICAL SUMMARYCommissioned by BP BP SE Europe – Belgium (further ' BP ') has AECOM Belgium BVBA (hereinafter"AECOM ') a soil remediation project (hereinafter ' BSP ') drawn up for the BP site to Benzineweg11, 2020 Antwerp (hereinafter "Site"). The Site includes mainly storage tanks for lubricating oil.The research concerns the plots 138 138 138 138 x 2, P2, X, Z, 138 W2 and 138V2.On the Site were several contaminants found in the BBO (URS, 2008). For 4of those pollutants proved to be a soil remediation is necessary. It concerns 4 driving layers ofmineral oil which were characterized as historic. These come for 3 differentplots and on the public domain.The reorganisation objective for historical soil contaminants exists according to theavoid that the soil Decree from the soil quality can pose a risk or toadverse effects on human beings or the environment by making use of the best availabletechniques not entailing excessive costs (BATNEEC principle). In thisreport is determined, then the remediation objective are differentreorganisation variants worked out and these are weighed against each other using aMulticriteria analysis. The reorganisation variant is worked out in detail and defines thefinal remediation approach.Plot 138 W2On the plot 138 W2 was pure product. The contamination originated on thisplot. This policy allows OVAM for further spread. The pureproduct is located also along the quay on the public domain. The reorganisation objective there will beout of existence this further spread. This will be accomplished by the pureproduct to remove. The clean-up will be carried out in phases. Given the difficulty toto sanitize active during the business activities on the Site, will be the first phase consist ofrisk management. The risks will be followed up on the basis of a bi-annual monitoring.When the business activities be halted, an excavation are carried out toscum. After implementation of the remediation works, it is expected that theproposed remediation targets have been achieved.Plot 138 P2On the plot 138 P2 was pure product. OVAM policy allows that this is adistribution risk. The reorganisation objective will consist of thisfor further spread. This will be accomplished by the pure productRemove. The clean-up will be carried out in phases. Given the difficulty to get activeduring the clean-up operations on the Site, will be the first phase consist of risk management. Therisks will be followed up on the basis of a bi-annual monitoring. When thebusiness activities will be discontinued, an excavation are carried out to scum away. After implementation of the remediation works, it is expected that the proposedremediation targets have been achieved.Plot 138 XReport: First phased BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020Antwerp46326785-R150713-V01-BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT. DOCXProject No./date: 46,326,785,685/13/07/201514On the plot was 138 X pure product. OVAM policy allows that this is adistribution risk. The reorganisation objective will therefore consist of thisfor further spread. This will be accomplished by the pure productRemove. The clean-up will be carried out in phases. Given the difficulty to get activeduring the clean-up operations on the Site, will be the first phase consist of risk management. Therisks will be followed up on the basis of a bi-annual monitoring. When thebusiness activities will be discontinued, an excavation are carried out to scum away. After implementation of the remediation works, it is expected that the proposedremediation targets have been achieved.Public domainOn the oil quay was pure product. OVAM policy allows that this is adistribution risk. The pure product has spread from plot 138 W2 on thisplot spread. The reorganisation objective will consist of further spread this way totake. This will be accomplished by the pure product to remove. The remediation willbe carried out in phases. Given the difficulty to actively redevelop during thebusiness activities on the Site, will be the first phase consist of risk management. The risks willbe followed up on the basis of a bi-annual monitoring. When the business activitiesbe discontinued, an excavation are carried out to scum. Afterimplementation of the remediation works, it is expected that the proposed remediation targetshave been achieved.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
On behalf of BP Europa SE - BP Belgium (hereinafter 'BP') has AECOM Belgium BVBA (hereinafter
"AECOM") a soil remediation project (hereinafter "BSP") prepared for the BP site to Benzineweg
11, 2020 Antwerp ( further "Site"). The site mainly includes tanks for lubricating oil.
The study site for the 138 plots P2, 138 X2, 138 X 138 Z, 138 W2 and 138V2.
On the site several contaminants were found in the BBO (URS, 2008). For four
of those contaminants soil remediation was necessary. These four floating layers of
mineral oil were characterized as historical. These occur in three different
lots and on public property.
The remediation objective historical soil contamination exists under the
soil decree to prevent the soil poses a risk or could lead to
adverse effects on man or the environment by using the best available
techniques excessive costs entail (BATNEEC principle). This
report provides the remediation objective, then several
developed remediation variants and these are weighed against each other using a
multi-criteria analysis. The retained remediation variant is specified in detail and determine the
eventual remediation approach.
Plot 138 W2
The plot 138 W2 was found pure product. The contamination occurred in this
field. In policy terms OVAM states that a proliferation risk entails. The pure
product is also located along the quay in the public domain. The sanitation target will
consist take this spread risk away. This will be achieved by purely
removing product. The reorganization will be implemented in phases. Given the difficulty in
actively remediate during the operations at the site, the first phase will consist of
risk management. The risks will be monitored by means of a biennial monitoring.
When business is being put stop, an excavation will be carried out to
eliminate scum. After execution of the remediation work is expected that the
proposed remediation objectives have been achieved.
Plot 138 P2
Driveway 138 P2 was found pure product. In policy terms OVAM states that a
proliferation risk entails. The sanitation target will consist of this
to spread risk away. This will be achieved by the pure product
removal. The reorganization will be implemented in phases. Given the difficulty to actively
remediate during the operations at the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. The
risks will be monitored by means of a bi-annual monitoring. When the
operations are put stop, an excavation will be carried out to remove the scum
take. After execution of the remediation work is expected that the proposed
remediation objectives have been achieved.
Plot 138 X
Report: Initial phases BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020
46,326,785-R150713-V01-BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT.DOCX
Project Nr. / Date: 46326785.685 / 07.13.2015
The plot 138 X was found pure product. In policy terms OVAM states that a
proliferation risk entails. The sanitation target will therefore consist of this
to spread risk away. This will be achieved by the pure product
removal. The reorganization will be implemented in phases. Given the difficulty to actively
remediate during the operations at the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. The
risks will be monitored by means of a bi-annual monitoring. When the
operations are put stop, an excavation will be carried out to remove the scum
take. After execution of the remediation work is expected that the proposed
remediation objectives have been achieved.
Public domain
was found pure product on the Petroleum Kaai. In policy terms OVAM states that a
proliferation risk entails. The pure product has this plot from 138 W2
scattered plot. The sanitation target will consist in this way spreading risk
taking. This will be achieved by removing the pure product. The reorganization will
be implemented in phases. Given the difficulty in actively remediate during the
operations at the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. The risks will
be monitored by means of a bi-annual monitoring. When the operations
are terminated put, an excavation will be carried out to remove the scum. After
implementation of the remediation work is expected that the proposed remediation objectives
have been achieved.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
non technical summary 1in europe, the assignment of bp (bp belgium on bp aecom belgium bvba (continued)"aecom (on) a bodemsaneringsproject bsp) prepared for the site to benzineweg bp11, 2020 antwerp (on site). the site mainly includes lubricating oil storage tanks.the research facility is the parcels 138 p2, 138 x2, 138 x z, 138, 138 w2 and 138v2.on the site of several impurities were found in the bbo (urs, 2008). for 4that was a necessary pollution remediation. the subject of drijflagen 4mineral oil were characterized as historic. these are for 3 differentplots and public domain.the saneringsdoelstelling for historical bodemverontreinigingen is according to thebodemdecreet prevent soil from a risk or can produceadverse effects on humans or the environment by making use of the best availabletechniques not entailing excessive costs (batneec principle). in thisreport the saneringsdoelstelling determined, then varioussaneringsvarianten developed and to be balanced by amulticriteria analysis. the stop is saneringsvariant in detail and provides thefinal saneringsaanpak.parcel 138 w2the parcel was found 138 w2 pure product. the pollution is created in thisplot. this policy shall ovam verspreidingsrisico entails. the pureproduct is also along the waterfront in public domain. the saneringsdoelstelling willthis verspreidingsrisico away from existence. this will be achieved by pureproduct removal. the reform will be carried out gradually. given the difficultyactive sites during the operations on the site, the first phase will consist ofrisk management. the risks will be monitored by means of a biennial monitoring.when operations ceased, will be carried out to the ontgravingto remove scum. after implementation of the saneringswerken is expectedproposed remediation targets are achieved.parcel 138 p2the parcel was found 138 p2 pure product. this policy shall ovamverspreidingsrisico entails. the saneringsdoelstelling will consist of thisverspreidingsrisico take away. this will be achieved by pure productremove. the reform will be carried out gradually. in view of the difficulty to activelyduring the cleanup operations on the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. therisks will be monitored by means of a biennial monitoring. when theactivities will be stopped, a ontgraving implemented the scum awayto take. after implementation of the saneringswerken is expected that the proposedremediation targets are achieved.parcel 138 xreport: first phased bsp, bp, antwerp, benzineweg 11, 2020antwerp46326785 - - - r150713 v01 bsp _ bp _ draft.docx antwerpproject no. / date: 46326785.685 / 13 / 07 / 201514the parcel was found 138% pure product. this policy shall ovamverspreidingsrisico entails. the saneringsdoelstelling will therefore consist of thisverspreidingsrisico take away. this will be achieved by pure productremove. the reform will be carried out gradually. in view of the difficulty to activelyduring the cleanup operations on the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. therisks will be monitored by means of a biennial monitoring. when theactivities will be stopped, a ontgraving implemented the scum awayto take. after implementation of the saneringswerken is expected that the proposedremediation targets are achieved.public domainon the petroleumkaai pure product was found. this policy shall ovamverspreidingsrisico entails. the pure product from 138 w2 on this plotplot spread. the saneringsdoelstelling will consist of this verspreidingsrisico awaytake. this will be achieved by removing the pure product. the reorganization willbe carried out gradually. given the difficulty of asset reorganization during theoperations on the site, the first phase will consist of risk management. the risksbe monitored by means of a biennial monitoring. when the businessa ontgraving will be discontinued, be carried out to remove the scum. afterimplementation of the saneringswerken is expected that the proposed remediation targetsare achieved.
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