„Hou je ook zo van reizen als ik, lekker een dagje of weekendje weg, uit eten, languit op de bank een film of serie kijken en ben je niet ouder dan 37 en minimaal even groot als ik (tja, sorry ben nou eenmaal 1.84) dan zijn wij misschien wel de perfect match!
"Love you so of travel like me, enjoy a day or weekend away, eating out, watching a movie or look out at the series and you're not older than 37 and is at least as big as I (well, sorry im just 1.84) then we are perhaps the perfect match!
"Do you like to travel like me, enjoy a day or weekend trip, eating out, sprawled on the couch watching a movie or series and you are not older than 37 and at least as tall as me (yeah, sorry am now once 1.84 ) we might be the perfect match!
„hou you if i like travel, like a day or weekend, dinner, sprawled on the couch watching a movie or series, and you are not older than 37 and minimum size (well, sorry i'm 1.84) we are perhaps the perfect match!