4.6 Karakterisatie bodem- en grondwaterverontreinigingenEen samenvatti μετάφραση - 4.6 Karakterisatie bodem- en grondwaterverontreinigingenEen samenvatti Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

4.6 Karakterisatie bodem- en grondw

4.6 Karakterisatie bodem- en grondwaterverontreinigingen
Een samenvatting van de verontreinigingstoestand per perceel zoals beschreven in het
beschrijvend bodemonderzoek is weergegeven in Tabel 5.
In onderstaande paragrafen worden de verschillende verontreinigingskernen waarvoor een
saneringsnoodzaak geldt uitgebreider besproken.
4.6.1 Verontreiniging 1
De verontreiniging situeert zich in het noordelijke tankenpark en wordt onder meer aangetroffen in
de peilbuizen 111, 110, 106, 107 en 4002 . Ze is historisch van aard, daar ze reeds werd
vastgesteld tijdens de eerste bodemonderzoeken in 1995. Er is een drijflaag aanwezig van
Rapport: Eerste gefaseerd BSP, BP Antwerpen, Benzineweg 11, 2020
Project Nr. / Datum: 46326785.685 / 13/07/2015
minerale olie, waarvan het volume puur product op 1.330 m³ wordt geraamd. Er gaat geen
humaan toxicologisch risico of ecotoxicologisch risico vanuit, maar omwille van de aanwezigheid
van puur product werd er in het verleden een verspreidingsrisico toegekend aan de
verontreiniging, ook al werd in de jaren na het BBO tijdens de monitoringsronden geen
verspreiding van de drijflaag vastgesteld. De urgentie om tot sanering over te gaan werd in het
beschrijvend bodemonderzoek in klasse II onderverdeeld.
Op de concentratiekaarten in Bijlage G wordt de omvang van de verontreiniging zichtbaar. Deze
is afgeperkt en de afperking wordt in de uitgevoerde monitoringen na 2008 bevestigd. De
verontreiniging bevindt zich onder het tankenpark. De verontreiniging zou waarschijnlijk afkomstig
zijn van de tanks en het voormalige slecht functioneren van de waterzuiveringsinstallatie.
Verontreiniging 1 wordt voornamelijk gekenmerkt door minerale olie van de fracties C12-C20, en
ook in mindere mate C10-C12 en C20-C30. De resultaten kunnen worden teruggevonden in het
BBO (URS, 2008).
In onderstaande tabel worden de administratieve gegevens van verontreiniging 1 weergegeven.
Tabel 8 Administratieve gegevens verontreiniging 1
Identificatie nummer: 01 N(ieuw) of B(estaand)?: B
Naam: Drijflaag, aanwezig onder het tankenpark van het noordelijke terreindeel
Deze verontreinigingskern omvat enkel de drijflaag die is gesitueerd
onder het tankenpark op het noordelijk terreindeel van het
Bron: Tankenpark activiteiten
Aard: Historisch % Overwegend deel: 100%
Motivatie aard: Het noordelijke terreindeel bestaat enkel uit een tankenpark. Tijdens het
eerste onderzoek in 1995 werd deze drijflaag reeds vastgesteld.
Classificatie: Q
Urgentieklasse: Klasse II
Voorzorgsmaatregelen: Neen
Veiligheidsmaatregelen: Neen
Opvolging: Ja
Gebruiksbeperkingen: Neen
Bestemmingsbeperkingen: Neen
Is de beschrijving/aanpak van de verontreiniging volledig na dit rapport? Ja
Bron: Perce(e)l(en) waar verontreiniging ontstaan is
Gemeentenummer Sectie Nummer Werken (J/N)
11809 I 138W2 J
Verspreiding: Verontreinigde perce(e)l(en) waar verontreiniging niet ontstaan is
Gemeentenummer Sectie Nummer Werken (J/N)
Petroleumkaai Openbaar domein J
Andere: Eveneens onderzochte percelen zonder verdere maatregelen/ Hinderpercelen
Gemeentenummer Sectie Nummer Werken (J/N)
- - - -
Rapport: Eerste gefaseerd BSP, BP Antwerpen, Benzineweg 11, 2020
Project Nr. / Datum: 46326785.685 / 13/07/2015
Parameters: Minerale olie
Medium: Drijflaag
Vuilvracht (kg)
40 65 1330 1132
Nr. boring/peilbuis
(meest relevante)
Diepte staal/filter Ontbrekende
Van (cm) Tot (cm)
PB4002 20 220 - Drijflaag
PB105 ? ? - Drijflaag
4.6.2 Verontreiniging 3
Deze verontreiniging is gelegen ter hoogte van de voormalige spoorwegberm ten zuiden van het
noordelijke tankenpark en wordt vastgesteld in peilbuis 4011. Deze is historisch van aard, daar ze
reeds werd vastgesteld tijdens de eerste bodemonderzoeken in 1995. Ook hier is een drijflaag
aanwezig, waarvan het volume op 2,12 m³ wordt geraamd. Er gaat geen humaan
Από: -
Για: -
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
4.6 Characterization soil and groundwater contaminantsA summary of the State of pollution by plot as described in thedescriptive soil examination is shown in table 5.In the paragraphs below are the different cores of pollution for which amore extensive reorganisation necessity is discussed.4.6.1 Pollution 1The pollution is situated in the Northern petrochemical plant and is found inthe monitoring wells 106, 107, 110, 111 and 4002. She is historical in nature, as they already becameduring the first soil studies in 1995. There is a scum ofReport: First phased BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020Antwerp46326785-R150713-V01-BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT. DOCXProject No./date: 46,326,785,685/13/07/201523mineral oil, whose volume pure product on 1,330 m³ is estimated. There's nohuman toxicological or ecotoxicological risk from risk, but because of the presenceof pure product was there in the past for further spread granted to thepollution, even if it was in the years after the BBO during monitoring rounds nodissemination of the scum. The urgency to proceed to remediation was in thedescriptive soil examination in class II.On the concentration maps in Annex G is the size of the visible pollution. Thisis enclosed and the afperking is in the implemented monitoring and confirmed after 2008. Thepollution is located underneath the tank farm. The pollution would probably comeof the tanks and the former improper operation of the water treatment plant.Pollution 1 is mainly characterized by the groups ' mineral oil C12-C20, andalso, to a lesser extent, C10-C12 and C20-C30. The results can be found in theBBO (URS, 2008).The following table lists the administrative data of pollution 1.Table 8 administrative data pollution 1GENERALIdentification number: 01 N (new) or B (estaand)?: BName: Scum, present under the tank farm area of the northern partDescription:This nuclear contamination includes only the scum that is locatedunder the tank farm area in the northern part of theresearch field.ADMINISTRATIVE DATASource: tank farm activitiesNature: historical% Predominantly part: 100%Motivation nature: the Northern terrain part consists only of a tank farm. During thefirst examination in 1995 this scum already established.Classification: QUrgency Class: Class IIPrecautions: NoSafety Measures: NoFollow-up: YesUsage Restrictions: NoDestination Restrictions: NoIs the description/approach of the contamination completely after this report? YesPLOTSSource: Perce (e) l (s) where pollution isMunicipality Number Section Number Works (Y/N)11809 I 138W2 JDissemination: Contaminated perce (e) l (s) where pollution is not ariseMunicipality Number Section Number Works (Y/N)Petroleum Quay public domain JOther: Also plots examined without further measures/Pollution plotsMunicipality Number Section Number Works (Y/N)- - - -Report: First phased BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020Antwerp46326785-R150713-V01-BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT. DOCXProject No./date: 46,326,785,685/13/07/201524ENVIRONMENTAL DATAParameters: mineral oilMedium: ScumDimensions:Top(cm)Basic(cm)Volume(m3)Pollutant load (kg)40 65 1330 1132RELEVANT FIELD WORKNo. bore/measuring tube(most relevant)Depth steel/filter MissingparametersOrganolepticobservationsBy (cm) (cm)PB4002 20 220-ScumPB105?? -Scum4.6.2 Pollution 3This pollution is located at the former railway berm South of theNorthern petrochemical plant and is fixed in measuring tube 4011. This is historical in nature, as theyalready it was found during the first soil studies in 1995. Also, here's a scumpresent, whose volume on 2.12 m³ is estimated. There's no human
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
4.6 Characterization of soil and groundwater contamination
A summary of the pollution situation as plot as described in the
descriptive soil examination is shown in Table 5.
In the following paragraphs the different pollution cores are subject to
remediation requirement applies more fully discussed.
4.6.1 Pollution 1
Pollution situated in the northern tank farm and inter alia found in
the wells 111, 110, 106, 107 and 4002. She is historical in nature, as they had already been
established during the first soil studies in 1995. There is a floating layer of present
Report: First phased BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020
46,326,785-R150713-V01-BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT.DOCX
Project No. . / Date: 46326785.685 / 07.13.2015
mineral oil, the volume of pure product is estimated at 1,330 cubic meters. There is no going
human toxicological risk or ecotoxicological risk from, but because of the presence
of pure product was assigned a spreading risk in the past to the
pollution, although it was not in the years after the BBO in the monitoring committees
established distribution of the scum. The urgency to proceed with remediation was in
divided into Class II descriptive soil.
Extent of the pollution is visible on the concentration maps in Appendix G. This
is enclosed and the demarcation confirms the executed monitor creations after 2008. The
contamination is located under the tank farm. The contamination would probably come
of the tanks and the former malfunctioning of the sewage plant.
Contamination 1 is characterized mainly by mineral oil fractions C12-C20 and
also to a lesser extent, C10-C12 and C20-C30. The results can be found in the
BBO (URS, 2008).
The following table shows the administrative details of pollution first appear.
Table 8 Administrative data Pollution 1
Identification Number: 01 N (ew) or B (estaand) ?: B
Name : Floating layer present under the tank park of the northern part of the terrain
This contamination core includes only the scum which is located
under the tank park in the northern part of the terrain of the
research area.
Source: tank farm activities
type: Historic% Chance part 100%
motivation nature : The northern part of land only consists of a tank farm. During the
first survey in 1995, this scum has already been found.
Class: Q
Urgency class: Class II
precautions: No
Precautions: No
Succession: Yes
Usage Restrictions: No
Destination Restrictions: No
Is the description / approach to pollution completely after this report? Yes
Source: Perce (e) l (s) where pollution originated
Municipal Code Section Number Works (Y / N)
11809 I 138W2 J
Distribution: Contaminated perce line (s) (s) where pollution does not arise
Municipal Code Section Number Works ( Y / N)
Petroleum Quay Public domain J
Other: also examined parcels without further action / Hinder land
Municipal code Section number Works (Y / N)
- - - -
Report: First phased BSP, BP Antwerp, Benzineweg 11, 2020
46,326,785-R150713-V01 -BSP_BP ANTWERPEN_DRAFT.DOCX
Project Nr. / Date: 46326785.685 / 07.13.2015
Parameters: Mineral oil
Medium: Floating layer
of pollutants (kg)
40 65 1330 1132
Nr. drilling / monitoring well
(most relevant)
depth in steel / Missing filter
From (cm) Until (cm)
PB4002 20 220 - Floating layer
PB105? ? - Floating layer
4.6.2 Pollution 3
This contamination is located at the height of the former railway embankment south of the
northern tank farm and adopted in 4011. The monitoring well is historical in nature, as they
had already been established during the first soil studies in 1995. Again a floating layer
present, the volume of which is estimated at 2.12 m³. There is no human
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