ook aan westerse zijde zou het Bagdadpact spanningen veroorzaken: de F μετάφραση - ook aan westerse zijde zou het Bagdadpact spanningen veroorzaken: de F Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

ook aan westerse zijde zou het Bagd

ook aan westerse zijde zou het Bagdadpact spanningen veroorzaken: de Fransen vreesden dat Groot-Brittannië en de Verenigde Staten na het pact ander belangen in het Midden-Oosten zullen najagen en dat de Arabische landen die niet lid van het pact zijn, een nog vijandiger houding tegenover Israël, Frankrijks grootste partner in het Midden-Oosten, zouden innemen; de Amerikanen, ondanks eerdere steun, wilden niet dat Groot-Brittannië het Bagdadpact te groots zouden aanpakken; "it will seriously upset the Russian [...] their activity in Afghanistan and threats to Pakistan are at least partically caused by the accession of Iran to [the] Pact
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
also to Western side would cause the Baghdad pact tensions: the French feared that Britain and the United States after the pact will pursue other interests in the Middle East and that the Arab countries not member of the pact, an even more hostile attitude towards Israel, France's biggest partner in the Middle East, would; the Americans, despite previous support, did not want that Great Britain would tackle the Baghdad pact too grand; "it will seriously upset the Russian [...] their activity in Afghanistan and threats to Pakistan are at least partially caused by the accession of Iran to [the] Pact
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
also western side would cause the Baghdad Pact tensions: the French feared that Britain and the United States after the Pact other interests will pursue in the Middle East and the Arab countries which are not members of the pact, a more hostile attitude toward Israel, France's largest partner in the Middle East, would occupy; Americans, despite previous support, did not want Britain to the Baghdad Pact would tackle too great; "It will seriously upset the Russian [...] Their activity in Afghanistan and threats to Pakistan are at least partically Caused by the acces sion of Iran to [the] Pact
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
on the western side bagdadpact tension: the french feared that britain and the united states after the pact other interests in the middle east and the arab countries will pursue non member of the pact, a hostile attitude towards israel, france's largest partner in the middle east would take; the americans, despite previous support, wouldn't that britain would deal with the bagdadpact too big; "it will seriously upset the russian [...] threats to their activity in afghanistan and pakistan are at least partically caused by the accession of iran to [the] pact
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