Tja wat verwacht ik....het meest ideale is natuurlijk dat ik hier the- μετάφραση - Tja wat verwacht ik....het meest ideale is natuurlijk dat ik hier the- Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

Tja wat verwacht ik....het meest id

Tja wat verwacht ik....het meest ideale is natuurlijk dat ik hier the-love-of-my-life vind, maar of dat realistisch is weet ik niet. Ik ben van nature positief ingesteld dus geef ik het graag een kans. Wie weet.... :-) Maar om je aandacht te trekken moet ik natuurlijk naast een leuke foto ;-) ook wat over mezelf vertellen. Dat doe ik graag uitgebreid als we elkaar op het eerste gezicht hier leuk vinden en samen besluiten een kop koffie te gaan drinken.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]
Well what I expect. ... the most ideal, of course, is that I here the-love-of-my-life find, but whether that is realistic I don't know. I am naturally a positive attitude so give me a chance. Who knows ....:-) But to your attention, I must of course in addition to a nice picture;-) also what about telling myself. I do like expanded as we meet at first sight like it here and decide to drink a cup of coffee together.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]
Well what I expected .... the most ideal of course is that I here the-love-of-my-life look, but whether that is realistic, I do not know. I'm naturally a positive attitude so I'd give it a chance. Who knows .... :-) But I have to pull course next to a nice picture ;-) also tell about me your attention. I'd be happy if we extended each other at first sight like it here and together decide to drink a cup of coffee.
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]
well what i expect the most ideal is, of course, that here the love of my life, but i don't know if that's realistic. i'm naturally positive so i give it a chance. who knows... : -) but to attract your attention, of course i have to take a nice picture; -) also tell you about myself. i like to do that if we extend each other at first sight and decide together here like a cup of coffee to drink.
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