SjaakY-vorm- Korte passes tot 20 meter in de Y vorm was vooral met rec μετάφραση - SjaakY-vorm- Korte passes tot 20 meter in de Y vorm was vooral met rec Αγγλικά πώς να το πω

SjaakY-vorm- Korte passes tot 20 me


- Korte passes tot 20 meter in de Y vorm was vooral met rechts steeds op het juiste been met een goede snelheid
- Het bewegen na een pass in de Y vorm kon beter, meestal deed hij het wel maar dat moet natuurlijk elke keer goed zijn om zo weer een juiste pass af te geven.
- Passes met links waren OK, soms te veel met een spin aan de bal.

Y-vorm met afwerken
- De passes met recht waren weer goed, heeft ook een goede voorzet met rechts ( keuze tussen over de grond of door de lucht wist hij steeds goed te maken)
- De passes met links waren OK, maar de voorzet met links zeer matig (wilt te veel kracht geven met zijn zwakke been)
- Ziet met afwerken dat hij geen natuurlijke afmaker is, maar wist het soms wel beheerst te doen.

Kleine partij vorm
- Hij is goed in de kleine combinatie, mede omdat hij zonder ( na de pass) gelijk weer in positie komt en aanspeelbaar is.
- Sterk in de 1vs1 verdedigend
- Diepte pass op de kaatser was soms te veel met een spin in de bal

Grote partij vorm ( positie rechts back)
- in het begin steeds te laat met het breed maken van het veld en aan speelbaar zijn wanneer de bal van links naar het midden ging.
- wist wel steeds de juiste keuze te maken om diep te gaan wanneer de bal naar het midden werd gespeeld om zo in de diepte aanspeelbaar te zijn.
- Omschakelen bij bal verlies was soms moeilijk om weer in positie te komen. Mede omdat hij na zijn pass vooruit bleef denken ook al kwam de bal niet terug bij hem en omdat er slecht werd overgenomen (middenvelders werkte niet goed met hem mee)
- 1vs1 verdedigend was hij weer sterk, wanneer hij goed stond
- Iets meer vooruit denken om zo beter in de positie te staan

- moet werken aan zijn buikspieren, balans en speed and agility ( wat trouwens wel redelijk was)
Από: Ολλανδικά
Για: Αγγλικά
Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 1: [Αντίγραφο]

y-shape - short passes to 20 meters in the y form was always right, especially with the right leg with a good speed
- moving a pass in the form y could be better, he usually did it but this must be good every time to give
as another pass right away -. passes with links were ok, sometimes with a lot of spin on the ball

y-shape with finishing.- Passes with the law were good weather also has a good cross with the right (choice between on the ground or through the air, he managed to make consistently good)
- the passes of links were ok, but the ball left with very moderate ( want to give a lot of power with his weak leg)
- looks to finish that he is not a natural finisher, but knew it sometimes managed to do

small batch form.- He is good in the small combination, partly because he comes right back into position without (after the pass) and receive the ball
-. Strong in 1vs1 defensive
- through ball on the deflector was sometimes too much with a spider in the ball

large batch form (right back position)
- in the beginning always late with the wide use of the field and playable when the ball went to the left of center
.- Always knew the right choice to go deep when the ball was played so in depth to be receive the ball to the middle
-. Switching loss at ball was sometimes difficult to get back into position. partly because he kept thinking ahead after his pass even though the ball came back to him and because it was poorly taken (midfielders did not work well with him)
- 1vs1 attack when he was strong again, when he was good
- just thinking ahead to stand

as generally better in the position - needs to work on his abs, balance and speed and agility (which by the way it was reasonable)
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 2:[Αντίγραφο]


Y shape
-short passes up to 20 meters in the Y shape was especially with the right hand on the right leg with a good speed
-moving after a pass in the Y form could better, usually he did it but that should, of course, every time good to so again a right pass.
-Passes with links were OK, sometimes too much with a spin to the ball.

Y shape with Assembly
-The passing game with law were good again, has also a good cross with right (choice between on the ground or through the air he knew ever to make up)
-the passing game with links were OK, but the cross with links very moderate (would give too much power with his weak leg)
-see with Assembly that he is not a natural afmaker, but managed to do sometimes governed.

small batch form
-He is good in the small combination, partly because he without (after the pass) is evenly back into position and aanspeelbaar.
-Depth defensively in the Strong 1vs1 pass on the pivot was sometimes too much with a spin in the ball

great batch form (right-back position)
-in the beginning always late with the wide making the field and to be playable when the ball from the left to the Middle went.
-always knew to make the right choice to go when the ball was played to the Middle order in depth aanspeelbaar.
-switch at ball loss was sometimes difficult to get back into position. Partly because he kept thinking ahead after his pass even though the ball came back at him and because there are bad was acquired (midfielders didn't work well with him)
-1vs1 defensively he was strong again, when he stood well
-a little more forward thinking so as to better position to stand in the General

-need to work on his ABS, balance and speed and agility (which was reasonable)
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Αποτελέσματα (Αγγλικά) 3:[Αντίγραφο]


- Short passes to 20 meters in the Y form was especially with right still on the right leg with a good speed
- The move after a pass in the Y form could be better, usually he did so but of course that should be good each time again as a correct pass.
- Passes with left were OK, sometimes too much with a spin on the ball.

Y-shape with finishing
- The passing of law were well again, also has a good through ball with right (choice between on the ground or in the air he knew still to make good)
- The passes with left were OK, but the first move with left very mediocre (to give too much force with its weak bone)
- looks with no natural afmaker finishing that he is, but did the sometimes governed to do.

Small party form
- He is good in the small combination, because he without ( after the pass) equal back in position and aanspeelbaar is.
- strong in the 1vs1 defensively
- Depth pass on the kaatser was sometimes too much with a spin in the ball

Large party form ( position right back)
- in the beginning still too late with the wide of the field and to playable when the ball left to the middle went.
- Did it still the right choice to make to go deep when the ball was played to the center in the depth aanspeelbaar.
- Switching to ball loss was sometimes difficult to get back in position. Because he remained after his pass forward thinking also came the ball back to him and not because there was poor middenvelders not working well accepted (with him)
- 1VS1 defensively he was again strong, when he was well
- slightly more forward thinking in the better position

- have to work on his abdominal muscles, balance, and speed and agility (which, incidentally, it was reasonable)
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